Social-Emotional Learning Drama

Social Emotional Learning: 6 Wonderful Ways To Use It In The Drama Classroom

Drama education and social-emotional learning (SEL) are inherently intertwined, as the fundamental principles of drama and theatre arts align seamlessly with the core tenets of SEL. Collaboration, emotional intelligence, empathy, cooperation, and teamwork are not…

Cognitive Load Theory

Applying Cognitive Load Theory to Drama Education: 8 Helpful Examples Plus Infographic

After recently undertaking a cognitive load theory professional learning session at my school, I was fascinated by how various aspects of this instructional model can be applied to drama education. Throughout the session, delivered by…

Drama Games

Drama Games: 100 Important Reasons Why Your Students Should Be Playing Them

Here are 100 different reasons why fun drama games for students are a valuable learning activity. Some of these reasons are students gaining life skills, others are acting-specific skills, and some benefits promote well-being through…