The Drama Teacher’s sister-site, Theatre Links, has recently published all of Henrik Ibsen’s and Anton Chekhov’s plays available on the Internet in PDF.
For years now, most of the works of Ibsen and Chekhov have been available online, the majority being housed at Project Gutenberg. As this largely realistic and naturalistic body of work was nearly all published in the latter half of the 19th century, the plays have been in the public domain for some time.
However, their formatting was awkward, the font was outdated and none of these plays were available in PDF, the most convenient format for downloading and portability between devices, particularly for students and teachers of theatre.
While there are a small number of these works unavailable digitally, the overwhelming majority exist including A Doll’s House, The Sea-Gull, The Cherry Orchard, Hedda Gabler, The Three Sisters and Uncle Vanya. Why pay for these texts to use in the classroom if they are legally available for free?
Here ends my two-decade-old frustration with these plays online. I have converted them all to downloadable PDFs with easy-to-read font and page numbers. Hopefully Ibsen plays PDF and Chekhov plays PDF will prove useful to teachers and students of Drama, Theatre, English Literature and more. Enjoy!
Ibsen Plays PDF
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