The reach of The Drama Teacher was recently extended to Facebook and Twitter. On a slightly different note, I am now publishing images about all aspects of theatre and drama education to Instagram. I am hoping teachers and their students will find it worthwhile to learn about drama and theatre, both past and present, through images. I will ensure an interesting note about each image is published alongside it. It is early, but many more images will be posted in the days, weeks and months to come. So follow me on Instagram, like some images, send your students there, and please comment! My Instagram link is below or you can find the Instagram icon on the sidebar and footer of every page of The Drama Teacher website. Any feedback welcome!
Hi Justin. I need some help with the character of Arlecchino- his movements and lazzi. There is very less reliable sources on the internet. If you can help.
Try these websites for info on Arlecchino:
The Commedia dell’Arte Homepage
World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts
Italy Masks
Radio Arlecchino
Hi Justin,
what a brilliant idea. I’m in Berlin, so tell me if you want particular pics like Brecht’s theatres, his flat and bedroom (left as it was when he died) or other sujets typical of German theatre history. I just found a new film on the National Theatre youtube channel on the history of movement direction:
Best wishes, Martina
Thank you Martina! I may take you up on that offer one day soon. I’ll be in touch. – Justin