Magical realism (sometimes referred to as magic realism) is a term first used in the art world by German critic Franz Roh (1925) and later in literature by Cuban author Alejo Carpentier (1949). Characteristics of the genre typically include the coexistence of the real and the fantastical, the natural and the supernatural, and the normal and magical worlds. In magical realism, elements of fantasy in the real world are not questioned. Increasingly, playwrights are developing new works in this form, such as Tony Kushner’s critically acclaimed play Angels in America (1991). – Justin Cash
Magical Realism Resources
An excellent guide for drama/theatre students and teachers with explanations of the genre, conventions for the theatre, improvisation exercises and brief play scripts in this form. From Shake & Stir Theatre, this is ready-made for the drama classroom!
Comprehensive article including characteristics, origins, major authors, artists, films, television, video games and new media.
A concise summary of the history of the magical realism genre outlining its key characteristics, from The Drama Teacher website.
A comprehensive article on the historical origins of the magical realism movement, what is magical realism in literature, artists, and books with magical realism, themes and style.
An explanation of the world of magical realism, particularly in literature, from The Conversation.
A definition, key elements of magical realism, plus a description of fifteen world-renowned books of the genre.
Excellent article on magical realism from covering what it is in literature, definitions, a brief history of the form, how to write magical realism stories and well-known texts.
Google Arts and Culture website displays famous magical realism artworks.
A useful article from Broadway World explores magical realism on the Broadway stage and the growing number of American playwrights experimenting with the form.
Excellent article on the emergence of the genre in art, literature and film discussing concepts, styles and trends from The Art Story website.
Magical realism article outlining examples of both literature and the visual arts.
A useful discussion about this literary genre clarifies the origins of the term and the development of the form.
A brief description of magical realism as depicted in the visual art world, from the Tate gallery in London.
Brief Encyclopedia Britannica serves as a practical entry point on the topic.
A helpful explanation of magical realism in television and the differences between this and other associated genres such as urban fantasy and supernatural fiction, to name a couple.