Links to websites containing glossaries of theatre-specific terms for teachers and students. Here you’ll find definitions for acting terms, technical terms covering stagecraft and production areas, improvisation terms, playwriting terms, musical theatre, and even historical terms for Greek and Roman theatre. – Justin Cash
Theatre Terms Resources
An outstanding list of general and technical theatre terms from the American Association of Community Theatre website.
An excellent glossary of drama terms for the classroom.
More than twenty different glossaries of technical theatre terms for various areas such as lighting, costume, multimedia, props, rigging etc. from Theatrecrafts.
Excellent glossary of hundreds of drama and theatre terms (plus a separate glossary for lighting and sound) for A Level study.
Useful glossary of technical theatre terms.
A comprehensive glossary of theatrical terms.
Excellent glossary of improv terms.
East Los Angeles College Theatrepedia glossary of mostly theatre genres and styles.
Great list of theatre terms useful for community theatre.
A comprehensive list of definitions for technical theatre terms.
List of drama terms from publisher McGraw-Hill.
A small list of main theatre terms useful for a student introduction to the theatre.
Broadway theatre glossary of terms and definitions from Broadway World.
A handy list of terms for technical theatre and the stage.
Boutique glossary of playwriting and creative development terms for the theatre.
Glossary of theatrical terms from the Grand Stage Company.
A useful glossary of playwriting terms and definitions.
A small glossary of theatre terms.
A stage management glossary of terms from Stage Management Resource.
A dictionary of technical theatre terms specific to lighting and scenery.
A list of theatre terms and definitions relating to theatre design.
At-a-glance list of some theatre terms from Collins Dictionary, suitable for beginners.
A helpful glossary of theatre terms.
A useful glossary of terms divided into acting, audition and rehearsal, script, technical, theatre people, and stage direction terms.
A very interesting set of terms and definitions relating to creative development, dramaturgy, plays and playwriting from Melbourne’s Malthouse Theatre.
A small list of theatre terms and definitions for younger children.
A list of forty Broadway theatre terms from theatre Nerds.
A Broadway theatre list of terms from Playbill.
Useful ancient Greek and Roman theatre glossary from the Ancient Theatre Archive.