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Dev Saraswat
3 years ago

Hey, I have to give an exam of MCQ pattern. In that exam Elizabethan theatre will also come, but only in factual form. Can you suggest me some article to gloss over the major terms and facts about Elizabethan Theatre?

liv =)
3 years ago

this is really helpful, we have to do an assignment where we make an activity for the whole class to do… any suggestions?

3 years ago

Did the elizabethan actors wear makeup?

The Waterboy
3 years ago

Massive help, would have failed without this 🙂

Catherine Moggridge
3 years ago

Brilliant article – there was a link you put in your response to comments to a related article on this site on the Elizabethan acting style and it seems to have disappeared. Any chance you could repost?

4 years ago

Is it really appropriate to be describing outfits 16/17 year olds are wearing as slutty. What makes an outfit constitute as slutty? And it isn’t appropriate for a male teacher to use that language on costuming for young girls.

4 years ago

How is a soliloquy different from a monologue?

4 years ago

What is Elizabethan Theatre? Your write up is very helpful to understand it in an interesting way.

5 years ago

Thanks but please all those listed are they the techniques of Elizabethan drama

6 years ago

Hey Justin,

Are there any physical conventions such as movement or gesture which were used in English renaissance theater?

6 years ago


some year 11 in drama
7 years ago

a girl in my drama class copied this into her presentation. It was great. Thanks

Some Year 12 in Drama
Reply to  some year 11 in drama
7 years ago

Thanks Ella 🙂

8 years ago

For more on this subject, you might want to visit It has a collection of essays about the English stage.

8 years ago

Finally got a sensible answer

8 years ago

Was there any point where the actor would actually speak to the audience directly? For example like now a days one actor might ask the actor, Can you believe this guy? while the other actor is oblivious. Like that

Tony Binyon
8 years ago

The irony! Researching some info for my daughter and seeing a familiar mug on the net!!

8 years ago

Hey Justin
I was wondering what types of characters they had in the Elizabethan era theatre? Like protagonists and antagonists… Stuff like that!
Thanks Jemma

John Barchilon
8 years ago

Excellent summary! I have a question about whether the Bard ever used a stage hand or actor to walk across the stage with a sign saying, Brutus’s Orchard, or A Street Near the Capitol, or The Field of Battle at Philipi, which are directions from Julius Caesar. There are no dialogue words in those in those scenes to denote the specific setting. So how did he do it?

Samal lubya
8 years ago

Help.(a)what are the Elizabethan Theatrical Convention employed in romeo and juliet? (B) how do these convention help in shaping the overall story of the film,esp. In the scene where mercucio dresses as a female?(c) how important is the role of mercucio in the story?

jamal ballari
9 years ago

Awsome info… On Elizabethan drama.too good

9 years ago

It was awesome to get knowledge about Elizabethan era.

10 years ago

It is very useful.

samim haidar
10 years ago

I am very glad for having this information on Elizabethan theatre.

Deborah Huntley
10 years ago

Thanks for the valuable information, I am an English & Creative Writing Undergrad student at Murdoch University, this explanation of specific aspects has helped a great deal. hope to see more notes perhaps specific to certain Shakespearean texts. cheers

Deborah Huntley
Reply to  Justin Cash
10 years ago

Hi Justin, I am wondering if you have any information on comic conventions in Twelfth Night? I would be very interested to read your thoughts and gain better insight.

10 years ago

thx for this. it really is a great site for students when our teachers dont teach it at all in this much depth.

Liv Bliss
10 years ago

I came a little late to this party, looking for a discussion of the aside in stagecraft and found just what I was looking for here. But I *know* you didn’t mean to write “it was rough and rowdy instead of gentile.” The implications are either funny … or, well, not funny at all.

10 years ago

Its really…vry useful…thankssss for this..

11 years ago

Thanks for that, I was having a hard time finding concise notes on Elizabethan theatrical conventions. 🙂

Reply to  Justin Cash
9 years ago

cheers cuzzzzz

11 years ago

Thank you so much for this. It’s a lovely, concise summary of the conventions. Very useful.

Reply to  smaxfield3
9 years ago

thats ok little fella

Tamara Poole
11 years ago

This is really helpful. It is often so difficult to pin point exactly how to explain students how this style of theatre works and to give them other examples other than Shakespeare.