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Sabine Fiolka-Brown
4 years ago

Hi could this be good for a 10 point list of ways actors can create dramatic tension on stage if not what could be a good website for it

5 years ago

yes very true its disturbing

6 years ago

hi can anyone tell me what tension is i am writing an assesment based on it?

7 years ago

what is same time, same place ?

7 years ago

Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂

Prefer not to say
7 years ago

i couldnt read this without glancing at that photo more than a few times. Slightly disturbing

8 years ago

Please who can explain the structure and movement of drama. Thank you

Reply to  Justin Cash
8 years ago

Justin Cash- What information would I use to support that though??

8 years ago

Can you give me some pointers about this question? How could you use ONE convention of Melodrama and ONE element of Drama to highlight the relationship between characters?

8 years ago

I have to do a drama review on a play, and I was wondering if there was a specific term to be used when each scene in the play has the same amount of tension, so the tension doesn’t build. In the play I watched, the tension started high and remained high until the conclusion. If you could help, I would really apreciate it.

Philip Hall
Reply to  Emma
7 years ago

The death knell of rising conflict

8 years ago

I need to know place, The relative status of the characters
Dramatic tension – both tension of task and tension of relationship
Resolution of the tensions by the end of the scene.

namo genesis tsakua
9 years ago

I am namo Genesis, I think I am beginning
to b addicted to this site,but pls,kip updating the site

9 years ago

what is tension

9 years ago

good afternoon
today my drama teacher gave assignment we have this word in my assignment Situation and i don’t what dose it mean

9 years ago

I have an essay on this regarding Romeo and Juliet. Im scared.

9 years ago

What is the word that means, the spacing between charaters that relates to class, wealth or general domination of that scene? Like when a scared character moves back or a character moves closer because they are intrigued.

10 years ago

How did the integration of this element enhance your performance?

This question is for my homework which is due tomorrow.

10 years ago

This question for my homework which is due tomorrow.

10 years ago

What is the dramatic elements of tension?

Pondering Student :)
10 years ago

Hi, I am wondering what context and what does it mean in my drama assignment when it says Tension of Relationship ?? :/

11 years ago

Thank you! I need help for my drama project and y ou got my lots of helpful hint to help me act out 🙂

Justin Cash
12 years ago

Tension can be a key contributor to the creation of mood in a drama and vice-versa, where a particular mood can also contribute to tension between characters in a scene. Tension and mood sometimes (but not always) work hand in hand. Often tension and mood do not work together because they are different elements in a dramatic piece. A mood can be light and fluffy and have no relation at all to tension. More serious or dramatic moods, however, are closely linked to tension and this is where tension and conflict become similar elements, and furthermore where tension and timing work together. I often say to my students its like MasterChef, where all the elements of drama are the ingredients that work together to create an effective theatre piece, but certain elements are not always related in particular circumstances.

12 years ago

Can anyone please tell me how tension and mood are both similar.

I woud also like to know how tension is different from mood.

I really need this for a drama assignment at school…can anyone please answer?


bobby jones
12 years ago

hi there are only 12 right

Justin Cash
Reply to  bobby jones
12 years ago

If you’re doing VCE Drama, yes. If you’re studying drama or theatre elsewhere, the list may be different.

13 years ago

Can anyone define relationship

john miguel c. velasbasta
13 years ago

estoryaheee. it is not the one .

13 years ago

l think thats cool

13 years ago

hiii how can we use tension focus in sentence??

please reply 🙂

Kehinde-Agbeyangi Priscilla
14 years ago

please i need a brief explanation on the people involed in drama

14 years ago

My list of dramatic elements are as follows:

Dramatic Structure
Dramatic Meaning
Audience engagement


Reply to  Adrian
12 years ago

this is wrong one

Reply to  Adrian
8 years ago

can you tell me 13 drama elements

14 years ago

I think Tension can best be described as the anticipation of what is to come. That is the how I teach it and it seems to be the best way of communicating this to the students!

The Student
Reply to  Renee
12 years ago

hey Renee,

just a question, from a teacher’s perspective, what do you think of this website and what age group fo students do you teach? how long have you been teaching and what kind of experiences have you had working with your students? sorry if you think im prying im just alittle curious

thanks you Renee,

The Student

14 years ago

A question for Wanda.

Just wondering where you got a copy of Dark of the Moon as it sounds interesting and I need to find 4 class plays this year?

Wanda Oberdorfer
14 years ago

My theatre class just finished a production of Dark of The Moon. Tension is the most important element. Watching the performance, I can now say that tension is very simply two people sharing the same space with different needs or even the same needs. The problem is one is matter, the other anti-matter. As long as they don’t make contact the “tension” between them can be measured by the physical distance, the psychological/emotional distance……tension can be created by two people standing at the farthest end of the stage from each other, or two people only arms length apart….tension is a psychological war…tension is fighting for one’s existence …tension can be those same two people struggling to come together…when all forces are against the union…tension is very simply internal struggle physicalized and bouncing off a resistant force. I think it is really that simple. Tempo-rhythm plays a significant role in sending that message to the audience. The playwright is directly responsible for building “tension.” The structure of the play will either build to the most electric moment, or if mistimed by superfluous writing, the tension can be lost. I’ve discovered my students find it organically if the text is well-written.

Reply to  Wanda Oberdorfer
8 years ago

I need to explain how I used tension in my group performance how do I do that please help it due so soon. – please help

Matt McC
15 years ago

Contrast, Climax, Conflict, Mood, Rhythm, Sound, Symbol, Space, Timing, Tension, Language, Focus

there the ones we sorta focus on

15 years ago

Role, Relationship, Situation, Tension, Focus, Mood, Symbol, Language, Movement, Space, Ti

15 years ago

Hey, I need some one to please tell me what the other elements of drama are?

Like, The

Tension, Mystery, Relationship etc. i cant remeber the others, and i REALLY need them for my drama assignement,

thankyou, X

Reply to  Ruby
13 years ago

Dramatic Irony.

Reply to  Ruby
12 years ago

Tension, Timing, Focus, Space

Help me with homework
Reply to  a
5 years ago

Hello, can anyone tell me the name of the positioning of actors that can create tension?

Thank you, also it’s homework due tomoz