Definition of a shoebox: my Drama classroom.
Today I got kicked out of having senior classes timetabled on the stage of a new theatre. Why? It’s a ‘Lecture’ Theatre, not a Theatre, and it’s everybody’s space to share.
Semantics aside, I don’t care what it’s called and I’m more than happy to share with everyone else on the block, but after three lessons in there at the start of the year, it’s time to go back to a ‘classroom’ that’s ‘small’ enough for about five of my fifteen Year 12 students to learn in.
Don’t see Year 12 Physics in the gym. Can’t see Year 12 Art happening in the school canteen. And last time I checked, Information Technology classes were occurring in computer labs. So why doesn’t Year 12 Drama get timetabled on the stage of a new theatre?
I once met a guy in the early 90s who rocked up to a new school only to find his Year 12 Drama class was timetabled on the school oval! I didn’t believe him, of course.
Until he showed me his timetable. There it was. Clear as day. O V A L
In the past I have subscribed to the fact that the poorer the space, the better the work the students can produce. To a certain extent, I believe this is true. I’m sure there are many Drama teachers out there who have taught in worse spaces than I, producing brilliant work from their students. But when the space is just plainly inadequate and I’m the only one kicking up a fuss, beating my head against a brick wall seems an attractive alternative.
But my school is a winner in so many other areas … the staff … the students … so it’s back to work tomorrow with the best smile I can muster.
I’d be interested to hear your stories about Drama spaces. What’s the worst space you have ever taught in? We might as well enjoy a laugh about it. After today’s proceedings, I could do with a giggle or two.
I agree Cashy! We should be having classes in the New lecture theatre! Maybe you could start a petition… You’d hve my signiture!
hiya justin!!!
Hey, the best space I taught in was the sewing room. The students loved the 10 minute long ‘Find the needles and pins’ game, followed by the ‘Where can we hide the sewing machines’ game. These warmups really helped the students with their observation skills and upper body strength! But when I was a kid I had to lick road wit tongue…..
cmon cashy, she’ll be right! chin up charlie. we’ll all cope.. your concern for our welfare is touching all the same
aye, at least shoe box is not in’middle of road.
Our last drama teacher taught in some very un-creative classrooms before we got our drama suite. The most interesting one was the woodwork room. Drama is a specialist subject and needs the appropriate space to be taught in! It never fails to amaze me to see where some poor teachers are made to teach their drama classes!
Well I’m no teacher but I have been inside some pretty poor places. My old teacher (before she passed away) Used to run a drama school in an old ware house. No kidding! It was musty and dark but we pulled of a good rendition of “Anny Get Your Gun”.